ENVIROHIB 100BR : (A Liquid Corrosion and Scale Inhibitor.)
MICROBIOCIDE GWT3: (Based on a synergistic blend of glutaraldehyde and isothiazolinones based
ENVIROBAC P3 : (Highly effective and contains Anionic biodespersant biocide.)
POLHIB CH : (Based on sodium nitrite and phosphonate.Scale and corrosion inhibitor for chillers.)
COOLTREAT C1490 :(Liquid Corrosion and Scale Inhibitor)
COOLCIDE M3010GT :(Biocide For Industrial Water Treatment based on isothiazolinones)
COOLCIDE M3020 :(Primary Biocide Based On Quaternary Ammonium Compound)
COOLCIDE M3010 :(Seconadry Biocide based on Glutaraldehyde)
PROCLEAN S300 :(Powder Descallant)
PROCLEAN SL300 :(A Descaling Agent and Corrossion Inhibitor)
COOLCIDE M3030 :(Liquid Biocide)
COOLCIDE M3040 :(Micro Biocide/Bio-Dispersant for Industrial water Treatment)
ENVIROHIB 100BR : (A Corrosion and scale inhibitor)
CHILLER-T 100 :(A Dispersant and Oxygen scarvenger for treatment of closed and open cicuit cooling system.)
OLKLIN AC-1 : (Dithiocarbomate based mill biocide compound required for reducing microbial activity along the Mills tandem.)
POLYHIB 127 :(A Liquid Corrosion and scale inhibitor)
ENVIROBAC P3 :(A broad Spectrum Disinfectant and Biocide)
MONO PROPLYENE INHIBITED :(An Inhibited Liquid Antifreeze for use in Closed Circuit Water Systems.)
MONO ETHYLENE GLYCOL INHIBITED :(An Inhibited Liquid Antifreeze for use in Closed Circuit Water Systems.)
MICRO 100 OR:(Biocide for Open Cooling Tower)
BIO SPERSE :(Bio-Dispersant)