OXSCAV 35/2:(Sulphite based oxygen scavenger)
OXSCAV T :(Tannin based oxygen scavenger for the treatment of steam raising plant
and hot water systems.)
OXSCAV D25 : (Deha based oxygen scavenger: A volatile oxygen scavenger for the
treatment of steam raising plant and hot water systems.)
OXSCAV H : (Hydrazine based oxygen scavenger)
DISPERSE 3 F : (A polymer / polyphosphate sludge conditioner for the treatment of steam
raising plant where the steam may come into contact with food. Scale inhibitor.)
DISPERSE 5 F : (Polymer Sludge Conditioner for Steam raising Plants.)
OXSCAV D30 : (Deha based oxygen scavenger)
ALKATREAT 200 : (PH Booster)
RLT 20F : (A non-amine filming corrosion inhibitor. Protects condensate lines against
carbonic acid and oxygen induced corrosion.)
MULTITREAT TPA : (Tannin based multifunctional boiler chemical for the treatment of closed
circuit heating systems and steam raising plant.)
MULTITREAT 1F : (Sulphite based multifunctional boiler chemical for steam raising plant.)
RLT 14 : (A Filming amine for condensate treatment)
MULTITREAT 50F : (Polymer Based Dispersant and Sludge Conditioner for high pressure boilers)
C25 : (PH builder a solution of caustic alkali for adjustment of PH.)
HOTHERM B : (Fuel oil conditioner (fuel additive)
PROCLEAN HT4 : (Hydrochloric Acid based Descaler with film forming inhibitor.)
PROCLEAN NT4 : (Neutralising powder can be used to neutralize the acid cleaning effluent
before discharging it to sewer or foul drain(Neaultralizer)
TANNEX DM40 : (A tanin based product for the treatment of steam raising plant and hot water systems)
POLYMERTREAT : ( A polymer / polyphosphate sludge conditioner for the treatment of steam
raising plant.)
LYNNAMINE 300 : (Neutralizing amine For Prevention Of Corrosion In Condenser Systems.)
ENVIROHIB 100BR : (A Liquid Corrosion and Scale Inhibitor.)
MICROBIOCIDE GWT3: (Based on a synergistic blend of glutaraldehyde and isothiazolinones based
ENVIROBAC P3 : (Highly effective and contains Anionic biodespersant biocide.)
POLHIB CH : (Based on sodium nitrite and phosphonate.Scale and corrosion inhibitor for chillers.)
COOLTREAT C1490 :(Liquid Corrosion and Scale Inhibitor)
COOLCIDE M3010GT :(Biocide For Industrial Water Treatment based on isothiazolinones)
COOLCIDE M3020 :(Primary Biocide Based On Quaternary Ammonium Compound)
COOLCIDE M3010 :(Seconadry Biocide based on Glutaraldehyde)
PROCLEAN S300 :(Powder Descallant)
PROCLEAN SL300 :(A Descaling Agent and Corrossion Inhibitor)
COOLCIDE M3030 :(Liquid Biocide)
COOLCIDE M3040 :(Micro Biocide/Bio-Dispersant for Industrial water Treatment)
ENVIROHIB 100BR : (A Corrosion and scale inhibitor)
CHILLER-T 100 :(A Dispersant and Oxygen scarvenger for treatment of closed and open cicuit cooling system.)
OLKLIN AC-1 : (Dithiocarbomate based mill biocide compound required for reducing microbial activity along the Mills tandem.)
POLYHIB 127 :(A Liquid Corrosion and scale inhibitor)
ENVIROBAC P3 :(A broad Spectrum Disinfectant and Biocide)
MONO PROPLYENE INHIBITED :(An Inhibited Liquid Antifreeze for use in Closed Circuit Water Systems.)
MONO ETHYLENE GLYCOL INHIBITED :(An Inhibited Liquid Antifreeze for use in Closed Circuit Water Systems.)
MICRO 100 OR:(Biocide for Open Cooling Tower)
BIO SPERSE :(Bio-Dispersant)
RO-100 : (Alkaline Antiscalant )
RO CLEAN 101 : (Is an organic RO Acid cleaner) (CIP)
RO CLEAN 102 : (Is a liquid organic RO alkaline cleaner) (CIP)
RO-103 : ( Polymeric Antiscalant )
RO-104 : (Antichlorine & sanitizer)
RO 105 : (Powder based CIP Acid cleaner)
RO 106 : (Powder based CIP Alkaline cleaner)
RO 107 : (RO Disinfectant/biocide Mixed blend of disinfectants)
RO 108 PERACIDE : (Sanitizer)
RO 109 PERMACLEAN :(Alkaline Cleaner Additive and Presoak)
RO 110: (Powder based dechlorinating agent SMBS)
RO-111 : (Coagulant- Liquid based )
RO 115 : (An effective anti-scalant and antifoulant which is specifically formulated to combat silica scale.)
RO 260 : (General purpose anti-scalant and anti-foulant)